Contact: Alex Demolina or John Landi
Phone: 1.813.974.0602
Infants and Young Children of West Central Florida, Inc. (IYC) contracts with behavioral specialists who provide this support when needed and authorized on the Individualized Family Support Plans for children, 0 - 36 months. The program provides for all developmental supports for this population in Hillsborough and Polk Counties. Early Steps is available statewide.
Contact: Camile Hanks
Phone: 727.767.8230
The Rothman Center for Pediatric Neuropsychiatry provides cognitive-behavioral therapy for anxiety in youth with an autism spectrum disorder. Cognitive Behavior Therapy (or CBT) is a form of psychological treatment that has been shown to be very effective with a wide variety of psychiatric and psychological problems. Cognitive-behavior therapy can be delivered in either a weekly or intensive (daily) format. Intensive CBT generally involves 90-minute therapy sessions held daily for approximately 2 to 4 weeks and is particularly suitable for severe cases or for those who do not have access to local CBT providers.
Contact: Sylvia F. Diehl, PhD
Phone: 813.974.9816
Program offered each summer on Tuesday and Thursdays from 10-3 for children with ASD who are educated in general education classrooms. It offers support in the areas of social communication and literacy. Grades 2-12 are accepted.