ASDnet: Multidisciplinary Research, Service, and Education in Autism Spectrum Disorders

ASDnet Members

Affiliated Members

College of Arts and Sciences

College of Behavioral & Community Sciences

College of Education

College of Engineering

College of Medicine

College of Public Health

P. Jane Mutch, PhD

Assistant Professor
Department of Pediatrics
College of Medicine | 727.767.8230

Dr. P. Jane Mutch worked for over 20 years as a speech-language pathologist in the Departments of Psychiatry and Communication Processes and Disorders at the University of Florida. Dr. Mutch joined the USF faculty in 2008 along with Dr. Tanya Murphy, who holds the Maurice A. and Thelma P. Rothman Endowed Chair of Developmental Pediatrics. Dr. Mutch is currently an Associate Professor of Pediatrics.

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